Sunday, May 16, 2010

Techno Future

I like techno. That’s right, I admit it, I have a keyboard that I need to learn how to play and I have a friend who just so happens to like techno too. I think I’m gonna start a techno band and name it something tight like… I don’t know, but I feel like I will when I need to.

Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of different funky beats. Being used to listening to alternative music, I naturally came across a guy named DJ Tiesto who remixes music that’s originally made by other artists, including Tegan and Sara (

At first it pissed me off that he took another person’s song to remix, but it actually turned out to be pretty cool, I’ve listened to it about three times in a row now and I’m not planning on stopping anytime soon. I don’t know, there’s something about the techno beat, I guess I can just feel it in my bones.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Stolen from Pirates

I found this kind of funny, apparently the video game company Rockstar, whilst trying to turn their game Max Payne 2 into a computer game so they could sell it online ( you can buy here), copied the new code from pirates who had already managed to turn it into a computer game in the past. The proof was noticed by Liamaj who posts in Steam’s forum. Liamaj was checking out the code for the game when they noticed the code had a pirating logo, or the word “myth” embedded into it. You can check out this forum and also view a picture of the code at this location .

I guess Karma does exist...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Killing Hedgehogs

New Zealand has a problem, they brought hedgehogs into their country to rid themselves of bad insects. This is all good but the hedgehogs are eating eggs of endangered birds, which is bad. Now the people of New Zealand have to go on a Sonic killing spee to ensure these rare birds survivial. The main lesson? Stop trying to control nature! You tamper with what's meant to be and 90% percent of the time it'll come back and bite you in ass.

If they hadnt brought the things over in the first place there wouldnt be a problem. In the end you just have to choose, which ones worth saving?

The birds?

Or the cute baby hedgehogs?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Towel Folding Robot

As I skimmed the BBC website I found a headline that particularly jumped out at me, “Towel-folding robot created by US researchers”.

I read it again… What? Are we really so lazy that we can’t fold our own towels? Then I thought of my bedroom, unfolded clothes scattered about my makeshift floor-shelf haunted the back of my mind. I could clean it if I wanted to. I just don’t want to.

That’s the thing, nobody wants to, I’ve only met a miniscule amount of people who enjoy cleaning and most of them are self centered brats or neat freaks. However, even if I lay my head in sea of clothing every night, I’m still against this bot. I’m not against it because it encourages a sloth like mentality of laziness.

I’m against it because “US Researchers” should have something better to do than discover ways civilization can avoid folding towels. I want to explore space, explore the sea, meet aliens, and discover new life forms.

I’m bored, watching all these adventures happen on TV while having a robot fold my laundry just isn’t enough for me anymore. Maybe if they would stop focusing on selfish pleasures, or if the population as a whole would stop paying them to do so, we would have something to do.

We could actually have an excuse for not folding our towels, because we were too busy going out and living life to the fullest, instead of sitting and watching the television or fighting fake aliens on a video game. Come on researchers, lets get rid of scifi and do it for real.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Anime Through The Ages

In the late 70’s early 80’s the television series Gundam, or Gundamu, was created. The director of this anime was Yoshiyuki Tomino, and it was produced by the animation company Sunrise. When the first Gundam movie was released in 1981 people called the event the Declaration of new age of Anime.

Indeed it was, up to this point Japanese animation had been thought of as a low quality and poorly made. People were starting to realize that anime wasn’t just made by noobs for noobs, but instead something that could be enjoyed by more than just the nation’s blinded population.

Gundam was definitely the most memorable anime of its time, winning tons of awards and keeping a story line that has lasted to this very day.

These are the anime that the laid the foundation of anime today, be thankful if it wasn’t for these we may not have seen half of the beautiful things today’s Otaku view on a daily basis.

Images from Here and Here.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Anime through the Ages- Part One

Anime through the Ages -Part One

Anime is a relatively new phenomenon, having just been created within the 20th centaury. Animation in sprung up in Japan during the sixties, and was very similar to western cartoons. Some examples of sixties anime would be;

Astroboy, or Tetsuwan Atom as it was called in Japan, was created by Osamu Tezuka in 1963

and shown in black and white for the first time. During the 50’s Astroboy got its start as a manga, or comic.

Gigantor is when anime truly becomes anime, it has robots and Lasers, what more does an Otaku need?
The original series has 96 episodes, but when translated at least 44 episodes were dropped during the translation to english.
The animation was created by TCJ (Television Corporation of Japan ), which is now nonexistent, in 1968.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Layout

Don't be scared, it's just a new layout, not a different site. I thought it looked more appealing than the last one and I decided to change it. Isn't spring a time of new beginings?