Saturday, October 31, 2009

Oh gosh, its a naruto review.

Alright guys, time for a Naruto review.

Naruto is one of those anime that you either really love or really hate. The story starts off in a village called Konoha, where the main character Naruto was born and raised. This town is built like feudal Japan, with lanterns, horses and buggies, and for some reason I’ve noticed TV’s in the background…

The development of objects is pretty trippy, because a light bulb obviously had to be invented before the TV, but that’s not what this anime is about. This anime is about a 12 year old ninja-in-training named Naruto.

I’m not going to lie to you guys, Naruto is annoying as hell. He says what he feels like no matter whose feeling he may hurt, he pouts and whines about difficult assignments, and he almost always rushes into battle without thinking.

He’s probably my least favorite character in the entire anime, including the multiple villains. Naruto’s only redeeming trait is the giant malicious fox demon sealed away inside of him, granting him some pretty awesome chakra strength. Speaking of which, chakra is what the ninja in this anime use to perform super awesome tricks like controlling the environment around them, cloning themselves, changing their features, or changing their features into a hot girl’s and cloning themselves… which actually occurs a lot in the anime.

There are a lot of action scenes, however, they last for episodes at a time so any potential adrenalin rush they could’ve given you is smothered. Between action episodes they throw in pointless, plot less fillers that make you wish you had something else to do but watch this anime… like blog or do homework, or stab yourself in the face.

When will anime producers start to learn that if you fill a burnt turkey with crap, it’s still just a disgusting North American bird stuffed with fecal matter? I suppose that happens when you stop watching the anime, or never start in the first place.

However, there are some redeeming qualities to this show. The diversity of characters it pretty awesome, with over fifty characters to choose from this gives fan fiction and art an uber high amount of potential, which is probably the main reason this anime is so popular. And yeah… It’s got uhh…. Well…. Um… Crud… Never mind, this anime blows. PLEASE SAVE YOURSELF AND DON’T WATCH IT!!!! BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Avatar Live Action Movie?

Avatar Live Action Movie?
I know what you're thinking... maybe...
If it's anything remotely along the lines of what I'm thinking of it's, “Oh my God, they're going to destroy another one of my wonderful childhood memories.”
Remember Street Fighter? How about Dragonball Z? What about Death Note, ring a bell? Yes I know, live action movies based off of anime series don't really have a very good... uh, well, even decent reputation. However I'm hoping and hanging on to the idea that since Avatar is a western animation and really not Japanese, that watching it will be a good memory to recall... and not something that makes me want to cry myself to sleep.
While reading about this movie, due to come out in 2010, one thing did strike me as rather odd. This is that some of the characters, so obviously NOT Caucasian are portrayed by white actors and actresses. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a 'Since it's anime everyone must be Asian.' Nazi, however I do feel that skin tone and environment should play it's part, or that obvious racial traits, traits that point to a character not being white, should be taken into account. Once again I feel the need to bring up Dragon Ball Z.
C'mon he's totally Asian. Give me a freakin break.
So what do you think, care to compare and contrast? Is this just a modest attempt at getting good actors... or is it an avoidance of an interracial cast? I'll post some character comparisons and you can be the judge.
Starting with Katara and Soka, both siblings from a tribe in the north, the habitat could be easily compared to an arctic tundra and tools, clothing styles, and physical traits could be compared to the Inuits.

(Sokka pic taken from

I don't know, it just confuses me, why did the director pick white kids to play the part of obviously Not white people? It's like Fat Albert being played by a Mexican.... it just doesn't work.

Lets move on to the fire benders, with their pale skin, clothing, hair styles, and dark black eyes, it's only natural to assume that these characters are Asian. Guess what? They're actually portrayed by (I'm pretty sure they're the only race in this movie other than Caucasian) people from Indian descent. Check out the main character Zuko.

(… wow, surprisingly, that works pretty well...)
Last but not least there's Aang, whose culture (as a monk) can be related to the Tibetans or the Chinese, but whose looks are actually pretty Caucasian, guess what? He's played by a white boy (or maybe it is an Asian kid...) and it works! Add Image
Okay so maybe it would have worked better if he was making a facial expression, it looks like the fire nation actually caught him and decided to take mugshots... but whatever, I just hope that I'm not going to be let down by this movie, even just plot-line wise, like many others before it.

Pale Cocoon Review

Imagine a world filled with nothing but the past, no future... no present. There's nothing but the dirty underground city and a skyscraper filled to the top with record after record of an ancient human race. Records of our lives. Imagine a life where the only tree that you have ever seen was in a dusty scrapbook photograph and the only music that you have ever heard was from a scratched video or CD.

Life itself was destroyed into nothing but a research project, reduced to something that could only be studied from a distance and not experienced.
This is Pale Cocoon, a half hour of well animated philosophy. It definitely deserves a watch.

My rating is ten out of ten for this bad boy.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pick O' The Week

This pic is from a forum on, I hope you laughed... if not there's always next week.

AMV's of the Week

This first AMV needed to be posted here, Zelda is just too freaking awesome. Zelda was created by a japanese company you may be familiar with, Nintindo (im thinking about getting a tattoo of it). The song is a techno beat called The Riddle, by Gigi D'Agostino, which totally fits with the game. The AMV itself was made by youtuber airikitascave.
I give it a 2/3, and it can be found here

Second in line is an action amv, i dont know about you but it makes me pretty pumped. The song playing is called Ignition by the artist tobyMac and the anime is called Negima. The creator of this piece is steelerfan92 on, I give it a 2/3 for making such a nerdy character look tight.

The last amv of the week is by justusiek who can be found on, it's an Evanescence song called Bring Me To Life. I give it a 2/3 because bleach and evanescence don't really mesh well, but the artist still managed to pull it off well. It can be found on

Ergo Proxy Review

This week’s review will be on a freaking awesome anime called Ergo Proxy.

Trying to figure out this anime will be like getting punched in the nose, and then given an ice cold beverage. The show messes with your poor head but in the end you find that you’re addicted to the confusion, maybe it would be better compared to an abusive relationship or crack cocaine. Either way, once you’ve be caught by the proxy the only way to break the connection is to hit rock bottom, or finish the series.

The setting of the show starts in a city called Rondo. Rondo is a “paradise” for humans, everyone has a robot to do their bidding, no one goes hungry, and the government takes care of everything. Did my quotations give you a hint that Rondo’s really not that great? Or was it the part where I said that the government ran everything that had you skeptical?

Televisions radiate propaganda on the streets telling you it’s time to consume to help the economy, you’ve earned it. Babies are applied for and not created, after a screening you may be found capable of raising a child. Even your counterpart, a robot that’s emotional responses you design yourself, could be hacked into by the government to spy on you at any given moment.

Nothing bad ever happens, everyone stays as happy as they can be, or at least the government gives them no reason to be sad. Sounds like a nice, calm, and tranquil place to spend your day’s right?

Re-L, the main character, thinks it’s boring. She works as a detective in this strange sci-fi world. Why would the perfect government, half run be amazingly accurate robots, need a detective you ask? You ask too many questions for such a disposable person, maybe this town would be better off without you.

Re-L, along with her Autobot Iggy, has been assigned to investigate bizarre new happenings in Rondo which have been disrupting the peace.

Naturally, as detectives are supposed to, she discovers things that, well, detectives aren’t supposed to, things that make the Government uncomfortable. So they use Iggy’s system to bare their teeth in warning.

These new findings send Re-L on a quest for answers. But once she finds these answers she’s unable to return to way things once were, she proves the statement “Ignorance is bliss” to be oh so right.

Re-L now picks up new clues to what’s going on around her, at first she had to search for them, but pretty soon they started searching for her. Piece by piece she figures out what or who created Rondo, and what will eventually destroy it. She learns about the world outside of the “utopia” and ventures there with a robot, a gun, and a self-conscious mechanic.

Together they struggle to survive as they encounter worlds so different from their own they could easily be called a parallel universe. They go from the depths of the forest to the depths of their own minds. I think they might have even been to mine, and destroyed a few brain cells on the way. I give this anime a 10/10 for great animation, awesome soundtrack (woot woot, radio head), and over the chart story-line.

Pics were taken from who took it from the actual anime, excluding the first collage, made by sunnyspider.