Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ergo Proxy Review

This week’s review will be on a freaking awesome anime called Ergo Proxy.

Trying to figure out this anime will be like getting punched in the nose, and then given an ice cold beverage. The show messes with your poor head but in the end you find that you’re addicted to the confusion, maybe it would be better compared to an abusive relationship or crack cocaine. Either way, once you’ve be caught by the proxy the only way to break the connection is to hit rock bottom, or finish the series.

The setting of the show starts in a city called Rondo. Rondo is a “paradise” for humans, everyone has a robot to do their bidding, no one goes hungry, and the government takes care of everything. Did my quotations give you a hint that Rondo’s really not that great? Or was it the part where I said that the government ran everything that had you skeptical?

Televisions radiate propaganda on the streets telling you it’s time to consume to help the economy, you’ve earned it. Babies are applied for and not created, after a screening you may be found capable of raising a child. Even your counterpart, a robot that’s emotional responses you design yourself, could be hacked into by the government to spy on you at any given moment.

Nothing bad ever happens, everyone stays as happy as they can be, or at least the government gives them no reason to be sad. Sounds like a nice, calm, and tranquil place to spend your day’s right?

Re-L, the main character, thinks it’s boring. She works as a detective in this strange sci-fi world. Why would the perfect government, half run be amazingly accurate robots, need a detective you ask? You ask too many questions for such a disposable person, maybe this town would be better off without you.

Re-L, along with her Autobot Iggy, has been assigned to investigate bizarre new happenings in Rondo which have been disrupting the peace.

Naturally, as detectives are supposed to, she discovers things that, well, detectives aren’t supposed to, things that make the Government uncomfortable. So they use Iggy’s system to bare their teeth in warning.

These new findings send Re-L on a quest for answers. But once she finds these answers she’s unable to return to way things once were, she proves the statement “Ignorance is bliss” to be oh so right.

Re-L now picks up new clues to what’s going on around her, at first she had to search for them, but pretty soon they started searching for her. Piece by piece she figures out what or who created Rondo, and what will eventually destroy it. She learns about the world outside of the “utopia” and ventures there with a robot, a gun, and a self-conscious mechanic.

Together they struggle to survive as they encounter worlds so different from their own they could easily be called a parallel universe. They go from the depths of the forest to the depths of their own minds. I think they might have even been to mine, and destroyed a few brain cells on the way. I give this anime a 10/10 for great animation, awesome soundtrack (woot woot, radio head), and over the chart story-line.

Pics were taken from who took it from the actual anime, excluding the first collage, made by sunnyspider.

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