Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Dangers of Ramen

This blog will touch a subject of sensitivity for any loyal otaku. This blog will touch the subject of Ramen.

As most of us know, ramen can be a source of great beauty or of great pain. The “instant”, or at least three minuets or under, food source is made commonly among baby-sitters, college students, and anime nerds alike. It’s what ties a lot of people together whether they know it or not, yet it has the power to tear us apart.

Okay, maybe it’s only the fangirls sumo wrestling over the last bowl of the artificially flavored noodles that tear each other apart, but nonetheless, people get injured, and I blame the ramen.

The other day I opened up a cup of the instant demon, ripping the rim off slowly like one would rub a magic lamp. Sentimental feelings of Anime Iowa wafted over my body imbedded in the smells of fake shrimp seasoning. Tears rose in my eyes until I was interrupted by the high pitched beeping of my microwave. The water I had set in it was now heated. I grabbed the bowl eagerly, burning myself in the process, but at the time it was worth it. I poured the water into the cup and waited for eternity until the noodles were softened.

After I finished the steamy hot cup of plague, I slunk to my room and did not wake until the next day. The ramen that I had once so trusted and loved had turned against me, waging a war in my stomach that only teaspoons of Sprite and vegetable broth could amend.

I think it’s time the world knows how easy it is to make the true ramen, not the disgusting excuse they pump into plastic bags.

So what do you think, are you ready for it?

If you’re willing to stand up with me and march to your local super market, then please, do so. If you’re the lazy type and nobody is currently logged into Facebook chat, then by all means continue reading, this post may change your way of life.

Go to your corner market (support the small business if possible, forget the man) and buy these ingredients.

Chinese Cabbage
Normal Cabbage
Miso Soup Base (important)
Sea Weed (it’s not bad in soup, trust me)
Thin, Ramen like noodles (please not spaghetti, nor ramen in a cup noodles)
Olive oil (any oil works really… except automobile oils)

These are the ingredients chosen to create the POWER PUFF GI- sorry, caught up in the moment… to create a simple miso ramen. Now for the simple directions,

Get out a big pan and put it on the stove on medium.
Put a couple tablespoons of the oil down, enough to cover the bottom of the pan.
Throw in a few of the chopped chives (save a bit for toppings)
Throw in all of the onion and the cabbages, cook them together for a little bit.
Add water until it covers the ingredients and turn up the heat.
Add Miso soup base until you think it has enough flavor.
Cook it all, stirring occasionally.
When the water starts to boil add the seaweed and noodles, then you don’t have to worry about straining them later, keep stirring to make sure the noodles don’t stick together.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Take out an awesome spork and serve the ramen into separate bowls.
Decorate the bowls with the chives to make it look pretty.
Now you can feast without fear.

All of these ingredients can vary due to taste, feel free to change the amounts and types of things you put into the ramen. I hope you enjoy your meal, and if you don’t… at least it was good for you…

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